Topic: GOES-East MDS Meso-2

Date/Time IssuedMarch 7, 2025 1311Z


Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-East MDS Meso-2

Requested Center Point: 37.4N/93.1W


 Date/Time Initial Impact March 7, 2025 1500J/DAY (065)

Date/Time of Expected End: March 8, 2025  0000Z J/DAY (066)

Length of Event: 9 hours 

Requester: Central Region Headquarters

Priority: 8 SPC Elev or Grtr Fire Wx Otlk OR WFO Red Flag Wrn OR Hot Spot Detection

Details/Specifics: To support Red Flag Warning operations, primarily in southeastern KS and southwestern MO.

Web Site(s) for Applicable Information: 

Sdm Sdm Total Operational Weather Readiness - Satellites (TOWR-S) Virtual Lab Forum

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