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MiRS (Microwave Integrated Retrieval System)

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The operational Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS) aims to build a one-stop shop for microwave products from various satellites with different instrumental configurations. With the capability of providing optimal and physically-based retrievals of atmospheric and surface state parameters, the operational MiRS will produce advanced near-real-time surface and precipitation products in all-weather and over all-surface conditions using brightness temperatures from the microwave instruments, which include AMSU-A and MHS instruments on board of Metop-B and Metop-C, GMI on the GPM, and ATMS on S-NPP ,NOAA-20, and NOAA-21. The operational products include: vertical profiles of temperature and moisture, rainfall rate, total precipitable water, cloud liquid water, snow cover, snow water equivalent, snowfall rate, sea ice concentration, ice water path, surface emissivity spectra, and land surface temperature.

The MIRS retrospective data have been archived since August 30, 2007 starting from version 1.0, and can be acquired from the National Climatic Data Center and the Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System.