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Operational Blended Rain Rate Product

The blended rain rate (RR) product is produced hourly by blending together recent rain rate retrievals from passive microwave instruments on seven polar-orbiting satellites, including POES NOAA-21, NOAA-20, SNPP, MetOp-B, Metop-C, GCOM-W1, and GPM. The blended RR eliminates the bias between those data sets and provides a unified, meteorologically significant rain rate field for satellite analysts and weather forecasters.

The product is generated with the latest 10 hour worth of rain rate retrievals from multi-satellites/algorithms and output with a Mercator projection with 16-km resolution at the equator. The map is centered at the equator and 160°W. It has 1251 lines and 2501 elements, which covers the earth from about 71°N to 71°S. The cut line is at 20°E, which was chosen to emphasize ocean areas.


Details on the algorithm can be found at the Algorithm Description link.