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Satellite Alert Messages

The following messages give you information about NOAA's satellite operations, including various product changes, upgrades and outages.
Visit often for the latest information affecting data delivery.

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Messages for January 2020

blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18 & 19 UEF Elements - Issued: January 01, 2020 0400Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: MET-8 ground segment anomaly Issued: January 01, 2020 1040Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 01, 2020 - Issued: January 01, 2020 1515Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 Meso-1 Request scheduled for January 02, 2020 - Issued January 02, 2020 0158Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Reynolds SST data stopped arriving on PDA - Issued January 02, 2020 0715Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 02, 2020 - Issued January 02, 2020 0944Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Metop 3 HRPT Data Loss: Issued - January 02, 2020 1230Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Metop 1 HRPT Data Loss: Issued - January 02, 2020 1240Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly/Outage: GOES-16 Multiple bands ABI, Sec-CMI, and CONUS products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, and PDA - Issued: January 02, 2020 1310Z
blue ballAdministrative: Weekly Operations Schedule - Weeks 51,52 and 02 Issue 3 (Update of Announcements 5484 to 5487, 5489 and 5493) Issued: January 02, 2020 1626Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly/Outage: (Correction) GOES-16 Multiple bands ABI, Sec-CMI, and CONUS products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, and PDA - Issued: January 02, 2020 2100Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Polar GAC Data Loss - Issued January 03, 2020 0200Z
blue ballAdministrative:_Meteosat-11 SEVIRI Decontamination Procedure_Issued:_January 3, 2020_1405 UTC
blue ballAdministrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Satellite Operations Schedule__Issued:_January 3, 2020__1415 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA 20 VIIRS Lunar Calibration Scheduled for January 6, 2020 - Issued: January 3, 2020 1736Z
blue ballAdministrative: S-NPP VIIRS Lunar Calibration Scheduled for January 6, 2020 - Issued January 3, 2020 1740Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18 & 19 UEF Elements - Issued: January 04, 2020 0400Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 04, 2020 1750Z - Issued: January 04, 2020 1750Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI/S F-17 Data delay - Issued January 06, 2020 0330Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1: DMSP SSMI/S F-17 Data delay - Issued January 06, 2020 0415Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly: Intermittent degradation of GOES-16 Volcanic Ash full disk products and their distribution to PDA. Issued JAN 06, 2020 0550Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI Data Loss - Issued: January 6, 2020 0818Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for January 06, 2020, Issued: January 06, 2020 0925Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for January 06, 2020, Issued: January 06, 2020 1120Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 06, 2020 1622Z
blue ballAdministrative: Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 51, 52 and 1 (Update of announcements 5491 and 5492, addition of Announcement 5508) Issued: January 06, 2020 1647Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 - GOES-15 tandem supplemental operations and GOES-14 supplemental space weather instrument operations will end on January 31, 2020, Issued: January 6, 2020 2005 UTC
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: ATOVS Radiosonde Matchup Anomaly, Issued: January 6, 2020 2035 UTC
blue ballProduct Anomaly: (Update #1): Intermittent degradation of GOES-16 Volcanic Ash full disk products and their distribution to PDA, Issued: January 7, 2020 0010Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly : GU1 and GU2 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: January 7, 2020 0010Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Correction) Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 07, 2020 0022Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly Update#1: GU1 and GU2 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: January 7, 2020 0313Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18 & 19 UEF Elements - Issued: January 07, 2020 0530Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for January 07, 2020, Issued: January 07, 2020 0719Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly: Intermittent degradation of GOES-16 Volcanic Ash full disk products and their distribution to PDA, Issued: January 7, 2020 0827Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: HI3 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: January 7, 2020 1003Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NOAA-19 Service interruption Ground Segment Anomaly - Issued January 07, 2020 1045Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1: NOAA-19 Service interruption Ground Segment Anomaly - Issued January 07, 2020 1135Z
blue ballAdministrative Update #1 : Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 07, 2020 1400Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 07, 2020 1520Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI Lunar Trending Calibration Scans scheduled for January 14-16, 2020, Issued: January 7, 2020 1537Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly: Intermittent degradation of GOES-16 Volcanic Ash full disk products and their distribution to PDA, Issued: January 7, 2020 1637Z
blue ballAdministrative: Planned S-NPP VIIRS Flight Software (FSW) Upload scheduled for Jan 8, 2020Z;Issued: January 7, 2020 1745ZZ
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: EMWIN Data Outage - Issued January 07, 2020 1859Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 Meso-1 scheduled for January 07, 2020 - Issued: January 07, 2020 1955Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 08, 2020 - Issued: January 08, 2020 0107Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Metop- B Antarctic Data Acquisition Ground Segment Anomaly - Issued January 08, 2020 0200Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Intermittent degradation of GOES-16 Volcanic Ash full disk products and their distribution to PDA - Issued: January 08, 2020 0916Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule Week 52, 1 and 2 Issue 4 (addition of announcement 5510) Issued: January 08, 2020 1029Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-1 request scheduled for January 08, 2020 - Issued January 08, 2020 1411Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly-Update #1: Intermittent degradation of GOES-16 Volcanic Ash full disk products and their distribution to PDA - Issued January 08, 2020 1508Z
blue ballAdministrative: SNPP Data Delay - Issued January 08, 2020 1715Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update - Switch of Currently Running GOES-17 MDS Meso 1 to MDS MESO 2 - Issued January 08, 2020 1803Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES -17 MDS Meso 1 - Issued January 08, 2020 1812Z
blue ballAdministrative (Reminder):_Meteosat-11 SEVIRI Decontamination Procedure_Issued:_January 8, 2020_1835 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Meteosat-11 switch to Meteosat-9 for Geo-SST MSG GHRSST L2P products on January 9, 2020 - Issued January 8, 2020 1855 UTC
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI Data Loss - Issued January 08, 2020 2052Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: SARSAT Maryland 1 Geostationary (GEO) Ground Station Offline - Issued January 08, 2020 2105Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 - SARSAT Maryland 1 Geostationary (GEO) Ground Station Offline - Issued January 08, 2020 2144Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: LSE LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: January 9, 2020 0353Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES -17 MDS Meso 2 - Issued January 09, 2020 0928Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly:NOAA-20 PRODUCT OUTAGE/DELAY Issued January 09, 2020 1154Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for January 09, 2020 - Issued: January 09, 2020 1405Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Anomaly (Partial Data Loss), January 09, 2020 1450Z
blue ballProduct Outage: GOES-16/17 ABI L1b and derived products delivered to PDA, Issued: January 09. 2020 1602Z
blue ballAdministrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Satellite Operations Schedule__Issued:_January 9, 2020_1615 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 3 - Issued: January 09, 2020 1615Z
blue ballProduct Outage: (Correction) GOES-16/17 ABI L1b and derived products delivered to PDA, Issued: January 09. 2020 1640Z
blue ballAdministrative: Critical Weather Day has been declared, Issued: January 09, 2020 1825Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update#1, LSE LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: January 09, 2020 1952Z
blue ballProduct Outage: (Update #1) GOES-16/17 ABI L1b and derived products delivered to PDA, Issued: January 09. 2020 2052Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update#2, LSE LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: January 09, 2020 2112Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1, Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Anomaly (Partial Data Loss), January 09, 2020 2137Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-1 request scheduled for January 10, 2020 - Issued January 10, 2020 0100Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 10, 2020 - Issued: January 10, 2020 0150Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 GOES-16 Meso-1 request scheduled for January 10, 2020 - Issued January 10, 2020 0255Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-1 request scheduled for January 10, 2020 - Issued January 10, 2020 0307Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 10, 2020 - Issued: January 10, 2020 0315Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES -17 MDS Meso 2 - Issued January 10, 2020 0900Z
blue ballAdministrative: Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 3 Issue 2 (Addition of Announcement 5530)
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the CBU Backup site, January 10, 2020 1340Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI F-18 Data lost, Issued: January 10, 2020 1457Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-1 request scheduled for January 11, 2020 - Issued January 11, 2020 0924Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 11, 2020 - Issued: January 11, 2020 0933Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: ANC Data Product Outage/Delay - Issued January 11, 2020 1636Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 MDS Meso 2 - Issued January 11, 2020 2130Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 - GOES-16 Meso-1 request scheduled for January 11, 2020 - Issued January 11, 2020 2210Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly:HRPT M-1 Data Loss - Issued January 12, 2020 1020Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 12, 2020 - Issued: January 12, 2020 1240Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Update #1) GOES-17 MDS Meso 2 - Issued January 12, 2020 1716Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Update #1)Critical Weather Day has been declared, Issued: January 12, 2020 1815Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the CBU Backup site - Issued January 13, 2020 1333Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 scheduled for January 13, 2020 - Issued: January 13, 2020 1427Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-1 scheduled for January 14, 2020 - Issued: January 13, 2020 1708Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: OMI Data Outage - Issued: January 13, 2020 1810Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Metop-A, Metop-B and Metop-C Data Delay Issued: January 14, 2020 0825Z
blue ballAdministrative: Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 3 Issue 3 (Update of announcement 5527)-Issued: January 14, 2020 1536Z
blue ballAdministrative: Operational Implementation of CrIS Polarization Correction on January 29, 2020 - Issued: January 10, 2020 1615UTC
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18, 19, MetOp-A/2, MetOp-B/1, & MetOp-C/3 AVHRR, Monthly Visible Calibration Update, 14 January 2020 - Issued: 14 January 2020 1627Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: OMI Data Outage - Issued: January 14, 2020 1940Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for January 15, 2020 - Issued: January 15, 2020 1015Z
blue ballAdministrative Correction : GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for January 15, 2020 - Issued: January 15, 2020 1020Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI F-15 Data Delay - Issued: January 15, 2020 1347Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI F-15 Data Delay - Issued: January 15, 2020 1633Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly (Update #1): DMSP SSMI F-17 Data Delay - Issued: January 15, 2020 1642Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-1 scheduled for January 15, 2020 - Issued: January 15, 2020 1752Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Anomaly affecting Meteosat-8 and Meteosat-9 data - Issued: January 15, 2020 1840Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Snow Mesh 16 Data Loss - Issued: January 15, 2020 1914Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI F-15 Data Loss - Issued: January 15, 2020 1924Z
blue ballAdministrative (Correction): NOAA-18, 19, MetOp-A/2, MetOp-B/1 & MetOp-C/3 AVHRR, Monthly Visible Calibration Update, 14 January 2020 - Issued: 15 January 2020 2012Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: MET-8and MET-9 have Partial FTP Issues: January 16, 2020 0010Z
blue ballAdministrative: Critical Weather Day has been declared, Issued: January 16, 2020 1335ZZ
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Anomaly affecting Meteosat-8 and Meteosat-9 data, Issued: January 16, 2020 1415Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 Critical Weather Day has been declared, Issued: January 16, 2020 1425Z
blue ballAdministrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Satellite Operations Schedule__Issued:_January 16, 2020_1525 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 4 Issued January 16, 2020 1600Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 16, 2020 - Issued: January 16, 2020 1609Z
blue ballAdministrative:GOES-15 Visible Calibration Update for the Month of January 2020 Issued January 16, 2020 2205Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #2 Critical Weather Day has been declared, Issued: January 16, 2020 2319Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 Meso-1 scheduled for January 17, 2020 - Issued: January 17, 2020 0108Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18 & 19 UEF Elements - Issued: January 17, 2020 0400Z
blue ballProduct Outage: No FNMOC or NAAPS 0000z synoptic time ancillary data received, Issued: January 17, 2020 0508Z
blue ballProduct Outage: No FNMOC or NAAPS 0000z synoptic time ancillary data received, Issued: January 17, 2020 1052Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: VIIRS SDR reflective solar bands (RSB) - Issued: January 17, 2020 1330 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 17, 2020 - Issued: January 17, 2020 1556Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 Extension - GOES-16 Meso-1 scheduled for January 15, 2020 - Issued: January 17, 2020 1900Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 VIIRS SDR reflective solar bands (RSB), OMPS SDR and EDRs and CrIS SWIR band at day time, Issued: January 17, 2020 1938Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #2 VIIRS SDR reflective solar bands (RSB), OMPS SDR and EDRs and CrIS SWIR band at day time, Issued: January 17, 2020 2337Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #3 VIIRS SDR reflective solar bands (RSB), OMPS SDR and EDRs and CrIS SWIR band at day time, Issued: January 17, 2020 2308Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-1 scheduled for January 18, 2020 - Issued: January 18, 2020 0244Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18 & 19 UEF Elements - Issued: January 18, 2020 0400Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 18, 2020 - Issued: January 18, 2020 1800Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update#1 GOES-17 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 18, 2020 - Issued: January 18, 2020 1842Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 18, 2020 - Issued: January 18, 2020 2030Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 Meso-1 scheduled for January 19, 2020 - Issued: January 19, 2020 0301Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #3 Critical Weather Day has been declared, Issued: January 19, 2020 1210Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 Meso-1 scheduled for January 20, 2020 - Issued: January 20, 2020 0220Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18 & 19 UEF Elements - Issued: January 20, 2020 0400Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #4, Critical Weather Day has been declared, Issued: January 20, 2020 0420Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #4, Critical Weather Day has been declared, Issued: January 20, 2020 0425Z
blue ballAdministrative: Weekly Operations Schedule week 04 Issue 2 (Addition of announcements 5553, 5554,5555 and 5556) Issued: January 20, 2020 1526Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI F-15 Data Delay - Issued: January 20, 2020 2308Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: (Correction) DMSP SSMI F-15 Data Delay - Issued: January 20, 2020 2315Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 21, 2020 - Issued: January 21, 2020 0220Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Correction) GOES-17 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 21, 2020 - Issued: January 21, 2020 0234Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 21, 2020 1500Z
blue ballAdministrative (Update):_Meteosat-11 SEVIRI Decontamination Procedure_Issued:_January 21, 2020_1530 UTC
blue ballAdministrative Update #1: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 21, 2020 1651Z
blue ballAdministrative Update #2: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 21, 2020 1940Z
blue ballAdministrative: S-NPP Drag Makeup Maneuver (DMU) scheduled for January 22, 2020 2010Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-1 scheduled for January 22, 2020 - Issued: January 22, 2020 0137Z
blue ballAdministrative: Weekly Operations Schedule week 04 Issue 3 (Update of announcement 5546) - Issued: January 22, 2020 1357Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Communications Anomaly affecting Connectivity to PDA, January 22, 2020 1548Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly: GOES-17 - All Products products delivered to PDA -Issued: Jan 22, 2020 1800Z. - Issued: January 22, 2020 1814Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly: Update #1, GOES-17 - All Products products delivered to PDA -Issued: Jan 22, 2020 1800Z. - Issued: January 22, 2020 1840Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Correction, Suomi NPP VIIRS DNB Night Time Image Quality not optimal, Issued: January 22, 2020 2058Z
blue ballTopic: Suomi NPP VIIRS DNB Night Time Image Quality not optimal Date/Time Issued: January 22, 2020 1955Z Product(s) or Data Impacted: Suomi NPP VIIRS DNB Night Time Image Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 08, 2020 2022Z Date/Time of Expected End: TBD Length of Event: TBD Details/Specifics of Change: There has been increased striping for the Suomi NPP VIIRS DNB at high scan angles (beginning and end of the swath) since January 8, 2020 after a flight software update. The VIIRS SDR team is working with JPSS flight to resolve this issue. Further updates will be provided as conditions change. This artifact is not related to the recent VIIRS solar vector anomaly which has been resolved on January 17, 2020. Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at and 301-817-3880 Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A This message was sent from You have been sent this and other notifications b
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly Delay of Data: NPP Rev. 42692 Issued: January 23, 2020 1230Z
blue ballAdministrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Satellite Operations Schedule__Issued:_January 23, 2020_1450 UTC
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly Delay of Data: Update #1 NPP Rev. 42692 Issued: January 23, 2020 1510Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 ABI solar calibration scan scheduled for January 29, 2020, Issued: January 23, 2020 1525Z
blue ballAdministrative: Weekly Operations Schedule Week 05 - Issued: January 23, 2020 1626Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 23, 2020 1635Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 ABI desert monitoring calibration scan scheduled for January 29, 2020, Issued:January 23, 2020 1653Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI/S F-18 Data Loss - Issued January 23, 2020 1817Z
blue ballAdministrative: NDE System Upgrade scheduled for February 19th, 2020 Issued: January 23, 2020 1950 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 23, 2020 2242Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Communications Anomaly affecting Connectivity to PDA, January 23, 2020 2245Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 Extension - GOES-16 Meso-1 scheduled for January 22, 2020 - Issued: January 24, 2020 0042Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 for Meso-2 request scheduled for January 24, 2020 - Issued: January 24, 2020 0105ZZ
blue ballProduct Anomaly/Outage: GOES-16 Various ABI-L2 Products products delivered to PDA - Issued: January 24, 2020 0332Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly/Outage: Update #1 GOES-16 Various ABI-L2 Products delivered to PDA - Issued: January 24, 2020 0709Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 24, 2020 - Issued: January 24, 2020 1058Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 5 issue 2 (addition of announcement. 5575) - Issued: January 24, 2020 1124Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: SARSAT S11 ( METOP-A) LEO Satellite SARP problem, Issued: January 24, 2020 1128Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly/Outage: GOES-16 Various ABI-L2 Full Disk Products products delivered to PDA - Issued January 24, 2020 1428Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly Update #1: SARSAT S11 ( METOP-A) LEO Satellite SARP problem, Issued: January 24, 2020 1655Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Break-Fix Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 24, 2020 1720Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 - Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Break-Fix Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 24, 2020 1812Z
blue ballProduct Outage: GOES-16 SUVI products delivered to AWIPS, GRB and PDA - Issued January 24, 2020 2310Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly Update #2: SARSAT S11 ( METOP-A) LEO Satellite SARP problem, Issued: January 24, 2020 2330Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly Update #3 - Final Update: SARSAT S11 ( METOP-A) LEO Satellite SARP problem, Issued: January 25, 2020 0250Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 25, 2020 - Issued: January 25, 2020 0305Z
blue ballProduct Outage: GOES-16 SUVI products delivered to AWIPS, GRB and PDA - Issued January 24, 2020 0340Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18 & 19 UEF Elements - Issued: January 25, 2020 0400Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly Delay of HRPT Data Ford Island : Issued: January 25, 2020 0855Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-1 request scheduled for January 26, 2020 - Issued January 25, 2020 1925Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 for Meso-2 request scheduled for January 26, 2020 - Issued: January 26, 2020 0906Z
blue ballProduct Outage: GOES-16 EXIS Cruciform Scan (impacts EXIS and SUVI data: Time Issued- January 26, 2020 1604Z)
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Break-Fix Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site will incur Data Loss, January 26, 2020 2042Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1-Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Break-Fix Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site will incur Data Loss, January 26, 2020 2138Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Update #1) GOES-17 for Meso-2 request scheduled for January 27, 2020 - Issued: January 27, 2020 0820Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 05 Issue 3 (Update of Announcement 5493) - Issued: January 27, 2020 09485Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 27, 2020 1308Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Product outage of GOES-16 SUVI products and their distribution to PDA and GRB.
blue ballProduct Outage: GOES-16 EXIS FOV Mapping Calibration (impacts EXIS and SUVI data) - Issued: January 27, 2020 1530Z
blue ballProduct Outage: GOES-16 EXIS Cruciform Scan (impacts EXIS and SUVI data) - Issued: January 27, 2020 1533Z
blue ballProduct Outage: GOES-16 EXIS Readout Noise (impacts EXIS data) - Issued: January 27, 2020 1542Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly (Update #1) Delay of HRPT Data Ford Island : Issued: January 27, 2020 1925Z
blue ballAdministrative: [CORRECTION] (Update #1) GOES-16 for Meso-1 request scheduled for January 27, 2020 - Issued: January 28, 2020 1253Z
blue ballAdministrative: [Update #1] Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 27, 2020 1310Z-Issued: January 28, 2020 1258Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 05 Issue 4 (Update of Announcement 5578) - Issued: January 28, 2020 1402Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NOAA 20 Missing Stored Mission Data- Issued: January 28, 2020 1532Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #2 - Operational Implementation of CrIS Polarization Correction on January 29, 2020 - Issued: January 28, 2020 1720 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Update #2 - Operational Implementation of CrIS Polarization Correction on January 29, 2020 - Issued: January 28, 2020 1727Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly (Update #3) Delay of HRPT Data Ford Island : Issued: January 28, 2020 1910Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DCS Data Outage - Issued: January 28, 2020 2310Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Alert Message : GDS-Metop-A: Issued : January 29, 2020 0755Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 05 Issue 5 (Update of Announcement 5547) - Issued: January 29, 2020 0930Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1: Eumetsat Alert Message : GDS-Metop-A: Issued : January 29, 2020 1004Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #2 Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 27, 2020 1310Z - Issued: January 29, 2020 1224Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 05 Issue 6 (Update of Announcement 5522) Issued - January 29, 2020 1622Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-15 supplemental operations extended to March 2, 2020, Issued: January 29, 2020 1950 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Update #2 - GOES-14 supplemental space weather instrument operations will end on February 3, 2020, Issued: January 29, 2020 1953 UTC
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: SARSAT US Mission Control Center Offline, Issued: January 29, 2020 2014Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #3 - GOES-14 supplemental space weather instrument operations extended to March 2, 2020, Issued: January 29, 2020 2100 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-2 request scheduled for January 29, 2020 - Issued: January 29, 2020 2125Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 SARSAT US Mission Control Center Offline, Issued: January 29, 2020 2142Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Missing PDA Data: Issued - January 29, 2020 2326Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly:AIRS and MODIS Outage due to failure of the R10GW server: Issued January 30,2020 0320Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 Meso-1 request scheduled for January 30, 2020 - Issued January 30, 2020 0327Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18 & 19 UEF Elements - Issued: January 30, 2020 0400Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 for Meso-2 request scheduled for January 30, 2020 - Issued: January 30, 2020 0910Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-15 (GOES-West) North/South Maneuver scheduled for February 5, 2020, Issued: January 30, 2020 1230 UTC
blue ballNOAA-20 ATMS Planned Outage on February 26, 2020 - Issued: January 30, 2020 1400 UTC
blue ballAdministrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Satellite Operations Schedule__Issued:_January 30, 2020_1515 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 06 Issued - January 30, 2020 1709Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule Correction to Topic - Week 06 Issued - January 30, 2020 1715Z
blue ballAdministrative: Critical Weather Day has been declared, Issued: January 30, 2020 1945Z
blue ballProduct Outage Anomaly: Jason-3 is in Safe Hold Mode - Issued January 31, 2020 0715Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 - GOES-17 for Meso-2 request scheduled for January 30, 2020 - Issued: January 31, 2020 0910Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Meso-2 scheduled for January 31, 2020 - Issued: January 31, 2020 0916Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #4 Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, January 27, 2020 1310Z - Issued: January 31, 2020 1350Z
blue ballAdministrative: Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 06 Issue 2 (Addition of Announcements 5603 and 5604) Issued: January 31, 2020 1415Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: MODIS Products Outage due to failure of the R10GW server Issued: January 31, 2020 1621Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 - Suomi NPP VIIRS DNB Night Time Image Quality not optimal, Issued: January 31, 2020 1726Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1: GOES-16 Meso-1 request scheduled for January 30, 2020 - Issued January 31, 2020 1858Z
blue ballProduct Outage Anomaly: Jason-3 is in Safe Hold Mode - Issued January 31, 2020 1925Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Meso-2 scheduled for February 01, 2020 - Issued: January 31, 2020 2240Z

The latest message is at the top. To decode the filenames for the messages listed above, MSGXXXHHMM.html, MSG means "Message", XXX is the Julian Date, HHMM is the time of the message in UTC. Files are now saved as html format.