POES Level 1B data files contain data quality flags to support users' data applications. The web page summarizes the data quality status based on the Polar Pre-product Processing (PPP) reports. [ Return to Main PPP Page ]
Ground station suffix: fi - Ford Island, HI; gc - Gilmore Creek, AK; mi - Miami, FL; mm - McMurdo, Antarctica; mo - Montery, CA; sv - Svalbard, Norway; wi - Wallops Island, VA
As of November 2nd, 2023, the OSPO/ESPC operations for all the three legacy NOAA
NOAA-15, NOAA-18 and NOAA-19, were transitioned into the POES Extended Life Ground Systems. The
satellite data acquisitions and the relevant deliveries are now operated by PARSONS Company.
continues to produce and distribute L1b data at NSOF.
In the POES Extended Life Era:
A) A red dotted orbit number indicates that the overall percentage is below 90%, a pre-set threshold.
B) To get the up-to-date onboard instrument status information, please view the Polar Operational Environmental
Satellites (POES) spacecraft status page.